Friday, December 30, 2011

2011: A Year in Photos

As 2011 comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the happenings of this past photos, of course. 2011 was a relatively uneventful year but still a good one, nonetheless.


because every year should be started with a party


F and I had our first Valentine's Day where we could physically be together...

...we also had our first experience with a massive ice storm that closed the base for a week


we celebrated our first St. Patty's Day physically together as well


F marked one year as a commissioned officer in the Air Force

we had our first Easter in the same state (lots of firsts when it came to holidays!)


I turned 24

F and I celebrated our 2 year "dating anniversary"


F and I went to Fort Benning in Georgia to watch F's best friend join the Army


I got to meet the USAF Thunderbirds and watch them in action at the Air Show

and my mom came to visit! :)


I happened to be home in Michigan when the sky turned some rare colors


F turned 25

I got the honor of being the Matron of Honor in my best friend's wedding


F and I celebrated one year of marriage <3


it became public knowledge that Baby Bee is on their way!


we said goodbye to 2011 and prepared for all the changes 2012 will bring...including our daughter!

Here's to wishing all of you a wonderful 2012. Happy New Year!

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